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Everything you need to know about virtual counselling options!


How Do Virtual Sessions Work?

Booking Appointments:
Appointments are easy to book online using the program "Jane".  Look for the type of session you want and it will show you if there is availability. If there isn't, put yourself on the waitlist and Sarah will contact you. Or reach out to Sarah by email and she will see if she can accommodate your request.  Once you book an appointment, you will receive an email with a link to an online intake form to complete before your first session. You will receive notifications for appointments. Choose an email where Sarah can reach you, so you will be informed if anything changes.

Free Consultations:
Not sure what to expect? Not sure if you can commit? Set up a free info call or email Sarah and ask for face-to-face online consult to discuss your concerns or to ask any questions you may have. This call is free and normally lasts about 20 mins. Consults are important because they help clients find the best counsellor for them!

Telephone Sessions:
When you book your first session, you will get an email to complete an intake form. Make sure to include your telephone number on this form so Sarah knows where she should call you. That's right, Sarah will call you. So if for any reason she can't make the session at the time of your appointment, be sure to check your email for any updates.

Face-To-Face Sessions "Online":
Choose the cybertherapy appointment and you will receive an email 2 hours before your appointment with a link to a secure chat window. You can use a computer or a mobile device, just make sure you have a good internet connection. The program prefers chrome-based applications, but if you have an apple product, you can download an app instead. More info can be found about the platform here if you have questions.

Contact-less Payment Options:
Before the pandemic, we already used this option but it is even handier now. You will can pay with e-transfer or credit card (with a secure portal for your payments). An email receipt will be sent to you when your payment is processed.

Still have questions? That's ok, shoot me an email and ask! It's a weird time, we're all trying to figure out how to do this thing!   


© 2017 Sarah G. Horsford

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